
"Eat Chicken" mid-turntable military supplies on the shelves in late May! The new special effects gun is well worth looking forward to!

Pragmatic and not exaggerated! I am your little intelligence expert, smiling ten times mirror. May has just begun, and the new military information of the peace elite of the chicken mobile game has followed! Among them, there are not only the upcoming Glory Medal military supplies, but also the small turntable and the middle turntable military supplies, and the future is not lively!

As we all know, although the peace elite updates a set of military supplies every week, their listing methods are different, and after the meteor is on the shelves, there is a high probability that a new small turntable military supply will be launched, and then a new medium-reel military supply will be launched in mid-to-late May! Now that the new product with the special effect gun has been exposed, let's take a look at it together!

New Mid-Turntable Quartermaster "Sweetheart Doll"

"Eat Chicken" mid-turntable military supplies on the shelves in late May! The new special effects gun is well worth looking forward to!

Friends know that as long as it is a military supply that is ahead of the news, it is generally not implemented in the game! The first thing that appeared was the name of the main suit in the new military quartermaster, and the same was true of the new medium carousel that came on the shelves in late May, only the name of the military quartermaster appeared!

This set of quartermasters named Sweetheart Dolls, from the name can be speculated that the fashion part is most likely the design of a small skirt, which should be similar to the full skin of the SS4 season, giving people a sense of déjà vu of a doll! If this is the case, it will definitely be loved by many Little Sister players!

More accurate listing time

"Eat Chicken" mid-turntable military supplies on the shelves in late May! The new special effects gun is well worth looking forward to!

Combined with the law of military updates and the news of recent revelations, the update order of the future peace elite is that the glory medal military quartermaster "Meteor BangTong" will be launched on May 6, and the small turntable military quartermaster "Spirit Rune Boy" will be launched on May 13, so the more accurate listing time of the new carousel is May 20!

However, this is only speculation, the peace elite sometimes temporarily put on some new military supplies, so everything should be subject to official announcements! However, according to the past law, the 13th and 20th will definitely update the military supply, after all, it is now the norm on Monday!

Very much awaited special effects gun

"Eat Chicken" mid-turntable military supplies on the shelves in late May! The new special effects gun is well worth looking forward to!

The mid-turntable military supply will naturally not lack special effects guns, and the third special effect skin of the M762 will be on the shelves in the sweetheart doll, and the news is very accurate! As a 7.62-bullet firearm, the M762 is not only called a macho gun by players, but also has a very high appearance rate!

Personally, I think that the design style of the new M762 special effect gun is most likely similar to the sweet oath, taking the route of sweet and cute wind! I only hope that there are fewer bow elements in the gun skin, after all, this design lacks novelty, and players have already looked at it!

"Eat Chicken" mid-turntable military supplies on the shelves in late May! The new special effects gun is well worth looking forward to!

All in all, the new mid-rolling quartermaster "Sweetheart Doll" has been exposed, and it is likely that they will meet us in late May! Although the whole set is not implemented in the game, the M762 3rd special effects gun that appears in it is very worthy of our expectations, and I hope that this set of military supplies will have a brilliant modeling!

The speed of the peace elite military update is very fast, here again we recommend that you do not easily kryptonite, otherwise the lottery mechanism will make you unlimited, falling into the abyss of kryptonite and unable to extricate yourself! Rational Krypton gold, starting with me!

"Eat Chicken" mid-turntable military supplies on the shelves in late May! The new special effects gun is well worth looking forward to!

The above is all the content of this issue, what are the views of the small partners on this set of turntable military quartermasters, welcome to leave a message to share! Thanks for reading, looking forward to encouraging likes and recommendations at the end of the article, our comment area is not scattered! #和平精英 #

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