
I praise you, laborer

"Longcheng Zhiyin" is a special column jointly launched by Huanglong County Rong Media Center, Huanglong County Literary Association and Huanglong County Recitation Art Association.


Let's keep going

Dragon City Zhiyin, No. 58

Listen to the work together

I praise you, laborer

I praise you, laborer

Reciters: Zheng Yaru, Guo Zixi, Wei Muyan, Yin Haoze, Lei Hanlin, Chen Simiao, Jia Kexin, Bi Yihao, Wei Kexin, Zhang Zhaoqing, Zhang Liming, Pei Jingyi, Wang Ruoqian, Wang Shuyan. (Huanglong County's primary school students who love to read)

Step into May

Open the red poem

The person I want to praise the most is you

Hard-working workers

You are a strongman who decorates magnificent mountains and rivers

You are the master of portraying the good life

You are the source of my poetic flow

I sing your praises, laborer

You use a pair of calloused hands

Turn stones into torrents of steel

Cultivate the desert into 10,000 acres of grain fields

You are ingenious and send "Chang'e" to the moon

Put the "Heavenly Palace" to travel the blue sky

Realized the dream of the Chinese people to fly in the sky for a thousand years

I chant you, laborer

You've overcome the technological hurdles

Let the Chinese people raise their eyebrows and breathe

Supercomputing wins the global championship

Domestic aircraft carriers chop the wind and waves, galloping the ocean

Quantum communication, global solipsism

I adore you, laborer

All the wealth of the world

You've bought it with your own blood and sweat

Although you are not necessarily the possessor of wealth

Even though you belong to the middle and lower classes of society

But the hardships and teardrops you paid

It has won the prosperity and prosperity of the whole society

yes! laborer

In this world, there is no one who cannot live without you

Only through labor can we move toward self-improvement

Only by working can we enrich the small family and prosper everyone

I'm going to pick a bouquet of May flowers

Sing a moving song dedicated to you

Lovely and respectable laborers

We are proud of May

We are proud of our labor

We are fearless for our ideals

We sing for freedom

O flowers of May, you bloom day and night

We will always be gardeners who love flowers and protect flowers

O song of May, you are loud and loud

We will always do your neatest and most majestic chorus

O red flag of May, you fly high

We have been your most loyal standard-bearers for generations

O May sunshine, you shine forever

Illuminating the earth is full of poetry

Let the seasons dot dye the picture

The song of labor will never fade

May Day is a holiday for international workers

May is another day full of truth

In this spring season, the spring breeze is refreshing today

Here, to all the working people, I would like to say this sincerely:

Happy International Labor Day!

In every corner of the city, there are laborers running around

The country fields are littered with the footprints of the laborers

Hands full of cocoons are thick and powerful as steel

Support the ideals and beliefs of life

Drops of sweat shimmer like pearls

Reflect the sky and the earth

Sweat stained green earth embellished the beauty of the motherland's mountains and rivers

Selfless dedication sows fragrance and joy to mankind

For the prosperity of the motherland and for the prosperity of the nation

Transform the desolate barren mountains into beautiful fruit fields

Spectacular high-rise buildings were built in the midst of rubble and wasteland

Strivers have created one amazing performance after another

It is the working people who have created the good life we have today

It is they who have built a civilized socialist harmonious society

In this season of passion

On this special day

Let us be in a state of reverence

Sincerely wish: Happy Holidays to great laborers!

I praise you, laborer

That's it for today's show

In the next issue, we will continue to be wonderful~

I praise you, laborer

Huanglong County Rong Media Center

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