
Zhile Diary: A network of connections has been established to provide planetary services to the world

Zhile Diary: A network of connections has been established to provide planetary services to the world

The sound of planetary service

Text: Zhile Photo: Network

Music Playlist:

Garden of the Roses - Kenio Fuke

Kenio Fuke - Minutes of Peace

Dan Gibson - Fairest Lord Jesus

Dan Gibson - Morning Light

East of the Full Moon - Deuter

Waves of Light - Deuter

Zhile Diary: A network of connections has been established to provide planetary services to the world

I saw a bird when I went out yesterday morning

I jumped and walked in front of me

It was like leading my footsteps

And the day before yesterday when I was flying a drone outdoors,

An egret flew over, and I followed along

Everywhere I go, I can even feel it

The bird is like the messenger of that space,

Represents or guards the energy of one side

It also represents all the beings there, and it sends me an invitation

And yesterday's synchronicity numbers are also super numerous

As soon as I went out in the morning, I saw the number 40:40

I was still wondering what this meant.

Later my inspiration told me that 40 represents planetary service

Zhile Diary: A network of connections has been established to provide planetary services to the world

Later when I saw the herd

Once again, the number 4 comes to mind

I think cattle are the most typical animals for this number

Four feet on the earth,

Cattle have also always guarded and served human beings

Serving humanity is only a form of service

Providing planetary services may mean

It is closely linked to the existence of the planet itself

They provide services with their own existence

Zhile Diary: A network of connections has been established to provide planetary services to the world

Yesterday when I was passing by a tree

I was attracted by the rustle of leaves in the wind

I think at this time, the wind and the trees are providing services together

It's just that people have never looked at it from that perspective

I hadn't thought of that before

I've only seen it in some spiritual books

So I began to slowly pay attention and observe in my life

If what the book says is true

Then I should be able to find the corresponding experience in life

And in fact I am in nature

It does get a lot of synchronic experience

Gave me some confirmation by digital means

Zhile Diary: A network of connections has been established to provide planetary services to the world

In the world of animals

The ones I used to share the most were dolphins and whales

They are intelligent beings who provide planetary services on this planet

They use sound, singing, to provide a frequency

These sound waves form an invisible network

It's like you're on this side of the globe, I'm on the other side of the globe

When we two whales sing the same song at the same time

A kind of induction line is formed between us

Network connections based on this induction

Just on Earth a network of light was formed

This is my understanding of planetary services

Some people are naturally attracted to whale songs

One day when I heard the whale music above,

In meditation I saw a painting of the starry sky

I think sometimes even if we're just listening

Just silently go to induction and resonance of this sound

That's the equivalent of us pulling up a network on Earth

We form an interactively induced magnetic field

Zhile Diary: A network of connections has been established to provide planetary services to the world

People's lives are inseparable from groups or circles

I remember a brother talking to me

People are social, and you can't leave a social life

But now I slowly see another meaning behind his words

When you leave the earthly network of human sophistication

You will slowly enter another network

When you read a book, you enter the network of book clubs for that book

As you learn spiritual knowledge, you enter the network of spiritual circles

When I gradually let go of those outside-defined networks

When I really enter the world of being with myself

I began to slowly see many windows into the natural world

That's what I experienced yesterday.

My inner synchronicity is helping me to connect with nature

I began to feel a sense of true freedom

I know when to do something and to what extent

When you encounter something and don't feel anything, go to the natural world for a walk

Until my inspiration was ignited again

Zhile Diary: A network of connections has been established to provide planetary services to the world

Your self-existence allows you to reacquaint yourself

Self-presence allows you to understand your true needs

This allows you to perceive and respect more subtle energies

You no longer need to create extremes in your life to attract your attention

When you harness the calm that you truly prefer

And when following the gentle guidance of your soul

Your life will naturally become more calm and content

He will illuminate your path to the highest expression of life

— Archangel Gabriel

A passage from Archangel Gabriel seen on the Crystal Wind today

I was really surprised.

It was a perfect match for how I felt yesterday

Everywhere I went, I was sensing the energy there

It's even absorbing guidance from different scenarios

When a bird suddenly stopped at my side and barked at me

And I immediately captured this detail.

And pay attention to what kind of inspiration I have in that moment

It turns out that this is the way to receive information,

It wasn't what the bird said to me

But there is no separation from each other, and the bird is myself

I flew to my side,

There was a message of inspiration in the depths of my soul

It all happened simultaneously

I woke up this morning and received a message from Atlantis

I was going to do a video

I was hesitating at the time

I see that there are a lot of people liking this video in the video number

It seems that everyone has received the same guidance

Thank you to everyone who connects to the world of inspiration within

When we talk about the same topic together

It is to establish a network connection

Together, we provide planetary services to this world

Zhile Diary: A network of connections has been established to provide planetary services to the world
Zhile Diary: A network of connections has been established to provide planetary services to the world
Zhile Diary: A network of connections has been established to provide planetary services to the world
Zhile Diary: A network of connections has been established to provide planetary services to the world
Zhile Diary: A network of connections has been established to provide planetary services to the world
Zhile Diary: A network of connections has been established to provide planetary services to the world
Zhile Diary: A network of connections has been established to provide planetary services to the world
Zhile Diary: A network of connections has been established to provide planetary services to the world
Zhile Diary: A network of connections has been established to provide planetary services to the world
Zhile Diary: A network of connections has been established to provide planetary services to the world

Good night, joy



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