
Bookish family! Xu Min's grandfather's identity was exposed, and he was a famous professor of genetics in China

Xu Min in Jiangxi originally had a happy family, her family was well-off, her father was the leader of the military region, her mother worked in the medical system, Xu Min and her husband were also public officials, but unfortunately, in 1992, a mistake in Huaihe Hospital made this originally happy family usher in a disaster, Xu Min's healthy child was replaced by a congenital hepatitis B child, unfortunately, this child later suffered from liver cancer, so there was a story of Xu Min cutting his liver to save his son, for this child Xu Min and his wife have been in debt, and the old man has no home.

Bookish family! Xu Min's grandfather's identity was exposed, and he was a famous professor of genetics in China

Xu Min's suffering has been sympathized by everyone, and people familiar with their husband and wife know that the old couple is kind and kind, and there is no dispute with the world, even if they are attacked in various attacks in the wrong life change incident, Xu Min has always maintained his demeanor and has never insulted others.

Bookish family! Xu Min's grandfather's identity was exposed, and he was a famous professor of genetics in China

Elegance is Xu Min's first impression, everyone knows that Xu Min's father is the leader of the military region, but what is not known is that her grandfather is a well-known figure in Jiangxi, guo Wei's uncle recently broke the news on personal social media that Xu Min's grandfather is Xu Chuanzhen, a famous genetics professor at Huazhong Agricultural University, and everyone understands why Xu Min has an elegant temperament, it turns out that she was born in a family of scholars.

Bookish family! Xu Min's grandfather's identity was exposed, and he was a famous professor of genetics in China

Since the wrong change of life events, everyone has been discussing genetic issues, although the Xu family is not a rich and noble family, but also a middle-class family in Kochi, unfortunately their biological child Guo Wei did not enjoy better educational resources, until the age of 28 was found by their parents, seeing Guo Wei and his uncle exactly the same appearance, everyone lamented the magic of genes. Fate makes people! I am afraid that Professor Xu did not expect that he had studied genetics all his life, and his descendants were discovered after 28 years of being mistaken

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