
The fifth battle of destiny of "Dream New Immortal" came to an end, and the dark horse double milk team staged a wonderful reversal

For those who like the PVP gameplay of "Dream New Immortals", the monthly Battle of Destiny is definitely a feast not to be missed. Each session of the Battle of Destiny brings together the top PVP players, and will always bring us different surprises, just like the just concluded fifth Battle of Destiny Final, the new generation of double milk team "up the mountain to fight the tiger" was not optimistic before the game, and the beginning was routine, actually completed the headwind overturn, successfully defeated the old three output team "Direction of Light", and won the championship with a dark horse posture. Let me take you to review this blood-boiling game.

The fifth battle of destiny of "Dream New Immortal" came to an end, and the dark horse double milk team staged a wonderful reversal

First of all, let's take a look at the lineups of the two sides separately: "The Direction of Light" (hereinafter referred to as the spectator side) adopts the French three-output lineup of double Qingyun + Ten Thousand Poisons + Hehuan + Tianyin; "Fighting Tigers on the Mountain" (hereinafter referred to as the battle parties) adopts the classic double milk configuration of Tianyin + Southern Xinjiang + Qingyun + Hehuan + Wanxin. From the perspective of the lineup, the spectator side is biased towards playing active offensive output, while the opposing side is biased towards passive defense, and the two sides are half a pound and eight or two, depending on who can take the lead in finding their own rhythm.

The fifth battle of destiny of "Dream New Immortal" came to an end, and the dark horse double milk team staged a wonderful reversal

In the first three legs of the game, the two sides staged a wonderful formation game. In the first round, the spectator adopted a relatively rare wind array to start, grabbed a large gram of the opposing side bird array, and the opposing party was forced to jump the array; in the second round, the opposing party jumped the sky array first, and the next step wanted to jump the dragon array, but the spectator caught the intention and jumped the tiger array first, which made the opposing party be framed, the jump was not, and it was not jumping; in the third round, the spectator who took the lead laid poison + electric surface and began to output, and the opposing party who hesitated for half a day finally chose the restrained dragon array. Since then, the two sides of the formation game has ended, and the spectators have lost three babies in just three rounds.

The fifth battle of destiny of "Dream New Immortal" came to an end, and the dark horse double milk team staged a wonderful reversal

But what is surprising is that after taking advantage of the baby, the spectators did not implement this style of play, but began to explode blue in the sixth round. The change in tactics has given the opposing side, which was already at a disadvantage, a chance to breathe. In the eighth round, the spectator side of the ten thousand poisonous centipedes shot, the result was not hit, which made the opposing side completely stand. At this time, the spectators actually have two choices: one is to continue to clean the baby, and the other is the acacia opposite the fire, no matter which choice, you need to give up the fried blue. But it is clear that the spectators do not want to give up, which directly lays the groundwork for the next game.

The fifth battle of destiny of "Dream New Immortal" came to an end, and the dark horse double milk team staged a wonderful reversal

When the dynamite blue lasted until the sixteenth round, the first results began to be seen, and the heavenly tone on the opposing side was no longer blue; in the seventeenth round, the double Qingyun method was connected to the fried blue, directly allowing the opposing party to see the bottom of the double milk blue. But in the twenty-third round, the game reached a turning point. Spectator Qingyun Fa Lian Tian hao wanted to kill the opposite Hehuan, the two heavenly robberies directly crippled, at this time the other Qingyun only needed to make up another to directly knock down hehuan, but the other Qingyun chose the heavenly punishment, this operation down, not only did not kill the hehuan, but also sent a large wave of anger in vain. After this round, due to the continuous explosion of blue, the spectators have bottomed out and fallen into a disadvantage, while the opposing side has gradually brought the game into the rhythm of double milk with a little recovery of medicine and milk, and finally won the game in the thirty-ninth round.

The fifth battle of destiny of "Dream New Immortal" came to an end, and the dark horse double milk team staged a wonderful reversal

As far as the whole game is concerned, the early performance of the spectators is still quite eye-catching, using the game of formation to drop the three babies on the opposite side, and also forcing the opposite side to choose the restrained dragon array. However, the sudden tactical change is incomprehensible, and dynamite is indeed a tactic that is very suitable for the French lineup, but the flaws of this tactic are also quite obvious, that is, it takes many rounds to be effective. For the double milk team, the most difficult thing is the middle and early stages, and the fried blue is what the double milk team is happy to see. And the internal communication of the spectators is obviously also problematic, such as the problem of insufficient damage in the twenty-third round, which is a low-level mistake that can be avoided through communication.

The fifth battle of destiny of "Dream New Immortal" came to an end, and the dark horse double milk team staged a wonderful reversal

This year's battle of destiny, while regretting the "direction of light", also makes people marvel at the resilience of the team of "going up the mountain to fight tigers", in the case of a bad start in the early stage, it can actually stabilize the mentality, play steadily and steadily without giving a chance, I have to say that it is to grasp the essence of the double milk lineup. This is also the fun of the PVP gameplay of "Dream New Immortal", different lineups have different ways of playing, and compared to the lineup restraint, the win or loss of the game is more considered to the team's strategy and the cooperation between the family, if you are interested, you may wish to enter the game to feel it for yourself.

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