
Russian troops massacred large numbers of Ukrainian civilians? Britain, France and Germany "tore" Russia, and the United States rarely contradicted it

author:First military intelligence

A few days ago, a video footage released by Ukraine triggered global public opinion, and the Ukrainian side claimed that hundreds of Ukrainian civilian remains were found in the town of Bucha north of kiev, the capital of Ukraine, and accused this of the "genocide" of the Russian army. After the incident, Western leaders, including French President Macron, German Prime Minister Scholz, and British Prime Minister Johnson, quickly came forward to "tear" Russia, severely condemned the "Russian-made civilian massacre" incident, and declared that further sanctions would be imposed on Russia, but the United States, as the leader of NATO, rarely "followed up", but said that there was no evidence to prove that Russia did it.

Russian troops massacred large numbers of Ukrainian civilians? Britain, France and Germany "tore" Russia, and the United States rarely contradicted it

(Local civilians were killed tragically)

According to the latest report of the Global Times, senior U.S. Defense Department officials said that the U.S. military "cannot independently confirm Ukraine's claim that Russian troops committed atrocities against civilians in the town of Bucha," although it also said that "there is no reason to dispute the russian military's claim that the massacre of civilians, and also said that it is deeply disturbed to see these pictures", but the previous statement is enough to show the attitude of the United States to the incident, that is, the United States does not intend to believe that the massacre was committed by Russia.

It is understood that NATO as a military organization led by the United States, the remarks and attitudes of the United States have a very important significance to other member states in the organization, but as a major NATO country in Europe, Britain, France, and Germany have identified the "massacre" carried out by Russia at the first time and strongly condemned it, but the United States has openly confronted the identification of these countries, which will make NATO countries such as Britain, France, germany and other NATO countries feel "trepidation."

Russian troops massacred large numbers of Ukrainian civilians? Britain, France and Germany "tore" Russia, and the United States rarely contradicted it

(Satellite images show a large number of local bodies on the street.

Some analysts believe that the United States is Russia's biggest opponent, and the United States also regards Russia as an important opponent, in such a situation, all the actions of NATO countries against Russia are actually helping the United States to confront Russia, but this time the United States directly "sold teammates", putting Britain, France and Germany in an embarrassing position, especially the so-called "strengthening sanctions against Russia" in Britain, France and Germany The actual beneficiary is only the United States, And European countries would rather sacrifice their own interests to please the United States, but the United States does not appreciate it.

In fact, the United States said that there is no evidence to prove that Russia is the murderer of the statement is not a problem, after this incident was exposed, the Russian army quickly denied that it had carried out massacres, and Russia did not have the motive and reason for the massacre of civilians, but ukraine itself neo-Nazism and ultra-nationalism prevailed, and now in the military operations have suffered heavy losses, it is not excluded that the Russian side has won the support of Europe and the United States by massacring civilians.

Russian troops massacred large numbers of Ukrainian civilians? Britain, France and Germany "tore" Russia, and the United States rarely contradicted it

(Zelenskiy "inspects" the slaughtered village of Butcha)

And if this incident is indeed committed by Ukraine, then obviously they have achieved their goal, in addition to the heads of state of Britain, France and Germany, the president of the European Council even directly used the "Bucha massacre" as a label on social media to accuse Russia of committing massacre crimes and the propaganda machine of Britain, France and Germany has gone all out to launch an "attack" on Russia at the level of public opinion, but such a situation was directly extinguished by the United States "a basin of cold water", which made many British, French and German media ignore the statements of the US Department of Defense. There is still propaganda that the Russians created the massacre.

According to the report, the information of the Russian army's massacre of Ukrainian civilians originated from the mouth of Ukrainian politicians, and in the absence of any "real hammer", only relying on the one-sided words of Ukrainian politicians, the hat of the massacre was directly put on Russia's head, which is obviously not reasonable.

Russian troops massacred large numbers of Ukrainian civilians? Britain, France and Germany "tore" Russia, and the United States rarely contradicted it

Experts said that in the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the Russian army maintained a high degree of restraint on civilians, after many times rumored that the Russian army was "forced to retreat" by local civilians, but the Ukrainian army did not care about civilian casualties, and even set up air defense positions in residential areas to avoid being destroyed by the Russian army, in this case, after the outbreak of this incident, many European countries quickly pointed the spearhead at Russia, which is obviously not very reasonable, and the truth of the matter has not been paid attention to.

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