
Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency

Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency

Awaken urban and rural areas with artistic flexibility

Create a new era of artistic landscape in the countryside

Create a new era of art skyline in the city

The Jingyang Art Residency Project is an important starting point for the aesthetic education promotion action of "Art Jingyang, Huancai Urban and Rural Area", which calls on artists to explore the local culture of Jingyang, experience the farming life of the countryside and make it interact with art, so as to continue the "fault" in the development of rural culture. The artists participating in this residency program have rooted in Jingyang and combined with local culture to create locally, hoping to build local cultural self-confidence while injecting a unique creative style into the local trend art atmosphere. Let's walk into Jingyang to understand the story behind the works one by one.

Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency

Residency works

Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency
Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency

Title: "Encounter in Xiaoquan"

Author: Wang Bo

Materials: concrete, brick, cement, steel, self-spray paint, water-based paint, LED wall washer lamp, etc





Year: 2021

Brief description of the works: This group of works takes the long-scroll screen as the carrier, the screen is a quasi-architectural form, occupying a certain three-dimensional space and dividing the three-dimensional space in which it is located, the screen is also a painting medium, providing an ideal plane for painting. The visual presentation of the mural section records what the artist saw, felt and thought in Xiaoquan.

In Xiaoquan, the artist conducted a series of research on architectural artifacts, stone carved plants, cultural landscapes, etc., and transformed them through artistic means. Form and color are juxtaposed to form color blocks and graphics on both sides of the work. The geometric elements of the modern style are used to abstractly outline the architectural form, cultural landscape and geographical features of Xiaoquan. Through the hollowed-out parts of the work, the real landscape and the landscape in the picture are interdependent. This group of works emphasizes interaction with people and creates a public poetic habitat that is considerable and touristy.

Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency



What was the inspiration for this creation?


The works created this time, on the one hand, are the themes explored in my own works, how to reconstruct the relationship between our traditional culture in history, which is conducive to re-understanding ourselves today, activating the essence of culture, and determining how to look at the world. On the other hand, I have extracted interesting forms and colors of history, culture, architecture, and geographical appearances in Xiaoquan. This work is located in the square, and the form of the work not only has an aesthetic function, but also incorporates the function of public leisure. Through the different perspectives of the works, the public's feelings of beauty in different forms and the identification with another sense of beauty in their living space are stimulated.

Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency
Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency


What inspired you from this residency creation?

Art is not only involved in a space, but also a dialogue between this work and the original space, properly integrated into the local environment, the space of this work in the local time and space, providing some new viewing and experience for the local people.

The intimate interaction between public works of art and life and people, in this process, integrates into the space and into life, so that both life and art become a richer feeling.

As Oldenberg puts it: "These urban sculptures are treated as something that collides with the city, and at first there are general points of view, and then there are subtle differences in people's reactions, and we try to make some changes and hope that when people look at them, they will continue to change, and for us, endless public dialogue – visual dialogue – is very important." ”

A few days ago, Xiao Quan's friend sent me photos of the works, and I saw that some people were interacting with the works, and I felt that it was particularly meaningful, and the time and human participation gave public art works a strong vitality and sustainable development.

Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency
Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency
Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency


What difficulties need to be overcome during the creative process?

In the process of creation, the biggest difficulty is that everyone has some differences in their understanding of construction standards and needs more communication. As the work progressed and the communication was repeated, the local masters were also raising their own standards for construction. And because this change has also brought new jobs to the masters, this process I think is particularly meaningful.

Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency
Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency
Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency


The work is presented in Jingyang District, Deyang City, Sichuan Province

Xiaoquan Ancient Town, then the ideal village in your heart

What does it look like?

Xiaoquan Ancient Town itself has some factors of my own ideal village, this ancient town has its own long history and culture, and there is a great tolerance and openness, but also has a very rich level.

I have lived in Xiaoquan for more than 40 days, basically walking all over the corners of the ancient town, making new friends, and now I often interact with them, and I will meet there again when I have time.

The creative process of the work


Hopefully, how people who come here understand

Your work?

Through the division and reorganization of different spaces in the work, the audience can inadvertently discover another kind of beauty through the hollowed out form in the work, and discover the different visual beauty that exists in nature (but it is often busy forgotten). In particular, some children shuttle through the works, they will gradually notice the colors of the works, those colors and other colors together to look better, there is a visual tension, which is a subtle influence, but also a particularly important function of public art. Because the winter sunshine in Sichuan is very small, and the colors used in the works are warm and gorgeous, it is also hoped that Xiaoquan Ancient Town can always be full of energy and vitality.


How to view "Art Jingyang Huancai Urban and Rural Areas"

Aesthetic Education Enhancement Action?

First of all, it is a great honor to participate in the aesthetic education promotion action of "Art Jingyang, Huancai Urban and Rural Area", and special thanks to the Jingyang District Government and the Youth Art 100 Team for their strong support for the presentation of the works. With the continuous landing of works of art, the local people also interact with the works more and more in their daily lives, and it is in this gradual change that the public's cognition of the works is realized and the nature of the space is changed. Art, usually said to be a monumental museum-style art that falls into the urban and rural living space and becomes a public paradise, is a moment of "coexistence", so that both life and art have entered a richer sense of beauty. While enhancing the vitality and creativity of the city, it also greatly improves the public's aesthetic awareness and ability.

Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency
Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency
Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency
Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency
Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency

To the Ai Army

Local famous teachers involved in "1+1+N"

Teacher of Deyang No.1 Primary School

This 101 ten N this model is very good, this is a good strategy of mutual learning, mutual guidance, common progress, common improvement, first of all, Beijing artists to Jingyang, the local culture of Jingyang, local characteristics are not very understanding, we play a guide, the role of introduction, let them enter the role faster, into the state of creation. On the other hand, we communicate with artists in Beijing, let us learn a lot of foreign, advanced, and modern art theories and artistic knowledge and creative experience from them, enrich our teaching, improve our understanding of art for beauty, and then we will jointly lead some students to feel the atmosphere of art from our creation, learn art experience, improve aesthetic appreciation ability, and work together for our local culture , rural revitalization contributes, participates in it, there is a sense of ownership, there is a sense of pride, I like this model, I hope this model continues to extend, for our Jingyang aesthetic education, for our Jingyang education, our Jingyang rural revitalization, add a strong ink.

About the artist

Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency
Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency

Other works by the artist

Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency

《Relic NO.75》


Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency

《Relic NO.73》


Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency

《Relic NO.72》

Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency

《Relic NO.70》

Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency

《Relic NO.79》

Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency

《Relic NO.68》

Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency

《Relic NO.59》

Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency

《Relic NO.56》

Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency

《Relic NO.50》

Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency

《Relic NO.47》

Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency

"Relic No.1 Diptych"


Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency

"Relic NO.2 Diptych"

Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency

"One Grid NO.23"


Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency

"One Grid NO.20"

Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency

"One Grid No.14"

Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency

"A Book NO.18"


Wang Bo - "Encounter in Xiaoquan" | 100 · Jingyang residency

"A Book NO.7"


The aesthetic education promotion action of "Art Jingyang Huancai Urban and Rural Areas" is in response to the idea of "building a community with a shared future for mankind and achieving win-win sharing" put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping, based on the development advantages of urban infrastructure and rural revitalization in Jingyang District in recent years, with the purpose of improving the aesthetic education of the whole people, taking aesthetic education, urban renewal and rural revitalization as the direction, building six major systems of party building aesthetics, humanistic aesthetics, urban aesthetics, rural aesthetics, planning and design aesthetics, and transportation aesthetics, through art residency, art exhibition, art beautification, The six paths of art festivals, aesthetic education classes and art landmarks are based on Jingyang, looking at the world, building a beautiful space, creating a beautiful life, developing the beauty economy, creating a aesthetic education environment, creating a "new era", "new art", "new scenery" and "new aesthetic education", awakening the public's participation and feelings for a better life, promoting the transformation of the relationship between the public and art, and finally realizing the aesthetic education of the whole people in Jingyang.

About the "Art Jingyang Huancai Urban and Rural Areas" aesthetic education promotion action

Since 2021, the "Art Jingyang Radiance Urban and Rural Areas" aesthetic education promotion action has been carried out through art excavation and restoration of the ethical spirit of urban and rural areas, stimulating the public's sense of subjectivity and participation to continue the context, jointly building a new trend of civilization, advocating that by giving play to the important role of fine arts in serving economic and social development, the results of fine arts can better serve the high-quality life needs of the people, realize the "beauty power" inspired by "beauty", and build a beautiful Jingyang with the characteristics of the times, international quality and cultural characteristics.

About Youth Art 100

Founded in 2011, it is a high-end art brand with the mission of excavating and recommending young artists, and has always taken young artists as the core of service. At present, "Youth Art 100" has developed into the international "First Promotion Brand of Youth Art", which is a key promotion project of the cultural industry of the Ministry of Culture, a key recommendation project of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integrated cultural industry, and a key cultural recommendation project of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture.

"Youth Art 100" cooperation is open and diversified, and cross-border cooperation with fashion, public welfare, design, science and technology, automobile, finance, real estate, summits and other cross-border cooperation, in the past 12 years, it has grown into an open youth art comprehensive promotion brand integrating domestic and foreign art exhibitions, overseas cultural expansion, art education, art and cross-border, art publishing, and art awards.

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