
It is the turn of the United States to "eat up", Russia cut off musk to sit on the ground at the starting price, and the spacecraft will fly for 300 million at a time

After the end of World War II, the United States sat on the throne of world hegemony in one fell swoop, and for many years, the United States acted as the "world policeman" in the world, constantly interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, and even sending troops to attack Middle Eastern countries many times, one is to consolidate its hegemonic position, and the other is to look at the rich oil resources in the Middle East. However, with the continuous changes in the world situation, the rise of Asian powers, the global countries have shown a diversified development situation, even the European Union countries have begun to waver, and the hegemony of the United States can no longer be strengthened.

It is the turn of the United States to "eat up", Russia cut off musk to sit on the ground at the starting price, and the spacecraft will fly for 300 million at a time

The current situation of the United States, in addition to the changes in the world situation, is also related to the wrong decision of the White House administration. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Cold War mentality of the United States has never dissipated, and it still believes that there is no country in the world that can shake the status of the United States, and even if there is, the United States can "strangle" them in the cradle in advance.

It is the turn of the United States to "eat up", Russia cut off musk to sit on the ground at the starting price, and the spacecraft will fly for 300 million at a time

In fact, the strength of the United States has long since ceased to exist, and the 11 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers that were once invincible have also begun to age, and due to the long service life, various failure problems often occur, and the combat capability is worrying. In addition, the US economy has also begun to slide into recession, the White House is overwhelmed by huge debt, and after the large-scale outbreak of the epidemic, the "scars" of the United States have been completely exposed. Now, what is even more critical is that the US space industry will also be hindered by Russia's cut off of space engines.

It is the turn of the United States to "eat up", Russia cut off musk to sit on the ground at the starting price, and the spacecraft will fly for 300 million at a time

Unexpectedly, even to the point where the United States is now, it is still obstinate and insists on carrying out the hegemonic policy to the end, after the War between Russia and Ukraine was completely ignited, the Western countries led by the United States launched a series of "battles of contention" with Russia, Russia strongly swore sovereignty and never gave in, Ukraine was pushed to the front line by the West to fight a war, even if there is a big military gap, Ukraine can only confront it with a hard scalp.

In addition to fanning the flames, the United States also launched a large-scale sanctions strike against Russia, unexpectedly, the new round of sanctions directly affected Europe, anti-eaten the United States, and the International Space Station was crumbling. The Russian Space Agency warned that if the United States does not withdraw sanctions against Russia, then Russia will independently decide the final fate of the International Space Station, and will no longer provide funds for maintenance services, after Russia withdraws from the space station, NASA alone can not shoulder the heavy responsibility, if the International Space Station can not be maintained in time, it may fall at any time.

It is the turn of the United States to "eat up", Russia cut off musk to sit on the ground at the starting price, and the spacecraft will fly for 300 million at a time

Although, the United States in recent years has been gradually getting rid of the dependence on Russia's technology, but because the cost is too large, the United States has not been able to retreat completely, after russia cut off the engine, Musk also sat on the ground, the spaceship flew once to 300 million, the United States NASA has no pain to say, the key Musk spacecraft technology is not as mature as Russia, the future of the US space is likely to face more tests.

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