
CCTV: It takes 16 months to pick up the car, and the car companies here are very "core"

CCTV: It takes 16 months to pick up the car, and the car companies here are very "core"

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Affected by the global chip shortage and the spread of the epidemic, South Korea's automobile production has not yet returned to the pre-epidemic level. Recently, the situation in Russia and Ukraine has exacerbated the shortage of raw material supply, and the production plans of South Korean car companies have been further disrupted. According to the South Korean auto industry, recently, the delivery time of many new cars has been delayed again by several months.

△ CCTV Finance "Tianxia Finance" column video

South Korean cars make a "core shortage" and the time to leave the warehouse is extended

Recently, due to the shortage of chips, Hyundai Motor Group submitted the latest delivery schedule to dealers in South Korea, extending the delivery time of hyundai and Kia's popular new cars by 1 to 4 months compared with the beginning of this year. For example, consumers who originally needed to wait for 1 year to pick up the car now need to wait 16 months.

CCTV: It takes 16 months to pick up the car, and the car companies here are very "core"

Not only that, the chip shortage has also affected the operation of Hyundai Motor's overseas factories, which in St. Petersburg, Russia, have been shut down this month due to lack of cores, and it seems that the resumption of work is still far away.

CCTV: It takes 16 months to pick up the car, and the car companies here are very "core"

Neon gas supply affected South Korean car companies face "difficulty in purchasing cores"

At the beginning of this year, South Korean car companies also optimistically estimated that the chip shortage would be alleviated as soon as the first half of the year. Unexpectedly, however, the recent situation in Russia and Ukraine has affected the supply of neon gas.

CCTV: It takes 16 months to pick up the car, and the car companies here are very "core"

Neon gas is indispensable in the chip manufacturing process, but according to South Korean media reports from Ukraine, two Ukrainian neon suppliers, which currently account for about half of the global neon gas production, have interrupted production. The report pointed out that the supply of neon gas will make it more difficult for South Korean car companies to purchase chips.

Nickel prices soar South Korean power battery companies are nervous

At the same time, in the electric vehicle market, the price of nickel, the core raw material for the production of power batteries, has soared, which has also made Korean battery companies feel nervous.

CCTV: It takes 16 months to pick up the car, and the car companies here are very "core"

With Russia as the world's third-largest nickel producer, risks from the supply side have pushed nickel prices to record highs over the past week. The demand for nickel in South Korea's three major power battery companies is growing year by year, and now companies are worried about the sudden increase in costs.

For South Korea, which is committed to the development of environmentally friendly vehicles, electric vehicles already have shortcomings such as high battery costs and difficulties in making profits for car companies.

Cost pressure is high The price increase of South Korean electric vehicles is on the string

Experts believe that it may only be a matter of time before the price of electric vehicles in South Korea is raised. Last year, affected by the chip shortage and the rise in steel, the average price of new and used cars in South Korea has reached a record high. Entering this year, the high price of oil has pushed up the cost of fuel vehicles and other vehicles.

CCTV: It takes 16 months to pick up the car, and the car companies here are very "core"

The industry is worried that if the price of electric vehicles continues to rise, it will lead to a further slowdown in car purchase demand, so that the South Korean auto industry, which is still recovering, will be hit hard again.

Source: CCTV Finance (ID:cctvyscj)

Producer: Ke Chengyun

This article is edited by Peng Lin

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CCTV: It takes 16 months to pick up the car, and the car companies here are very "core"

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