
The cat god found a divine comedy, Fly played it more than a dozen times, and the sting could not stand the hammer flying bull

Everyone knows that the player who stabbed this KPL player, recently the "sting me" stem is also very hot, many anchors have taken it to ridicule. Mainly because now the sting has become the commentary of the KPL, often on the official commentary seat, everyone often praises the sting, because his understanding of the game is very good, very suitable for commentary. Interestingly, many friends are curious about this stem, where did it come from? In fact, this matter should start from the QG Five Tigers period.

The cat god found a divine comedy, Fly played it more than a dozen times, and the sting could not stand the hammer flying bull

At that time cat gods, fly and flying bulls were all three of them, on the same team. Interestingly, the cat god found a song called Sting Me, although this song is very difficult to hear, but the two words of stinging just correspond to the name of stinging. So The flying bull also began to play this song more than a dozen times in a row in the live broadcast room, which can be said that many people can't stand it, many people are ridiculed, and the stinging temper is also too good.

The cat god found a divine comedy, Fly played it more than a dozen times, and the sting could not stand the hammer flying bull

But then the stinging pain could not stand it, and the hammer flew directly, and the two people also fought. Although their usual relationship is very good, but this incident can also be seen that flying bulls do love to joke, and stinging because they are a few years older than them, the personality is indeed more calm, and since then this stem has spread. Uncle Ge and other anchors often joke about the three words that sting me, and many old fans of QG are not unfamiliar with this matter.

The cat god found a divine comedy, Fly played it more than a dozen times, and the sting could not stand the hammer flying bull

However, the performance of Sting in the commentary seat now also makes everyone feel very amazing, and Tingle has always hoped that he can continue to play on the field. But what you should know is that due to the age limit, the sting should also be transformed, and the official explanation of the KPL has long been interested in the sting, hoping that he can come as a commentator, and now he has also fulfilled his wish, with such an excellent partner as the sting.

The cat god found a divine comedy, Fly played it more than a dozen times, and the sting could not stand the hammer flying bull

In general, sting has developed better than many professional players, after all, there are many professional players who have become anchors after retiring, but those who can go to the official commentary seat are really very few, the reason why sting can be permanently explained, the most important thing is because of his ability to understand, really in place, what do you think?

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