
【Nanyang Municipal Government Work Report: GDP growth of 9% in 2021】#Nanyang Headlines #On the morning of February 10, the sixth session of the Sixth People's Congress of Nanyang City opened, Mayor

author:Great River Finance Cube

【Nanyang Municipal Government Work Report: GDP growth of 9% in 2021】#Nanyang Headline#On the morning of February 10, the sixth session of the Sixth People's Congress of Nanyang City opened, and Mayor Wang Zhizhi made a government work report. In 2021, the city's GDP will increase by 9%, 2.7 percentage points higher than that of the province, and the growth rate will be the second in the province. The industrial growth rate was 10.5%, higher than the province's 4.2 percentage points, the second fastest growth rate in the province; fixed asset investment increased by 13.1%, higher than the province's 8.6 percentage points, the growth rate of the province's third; the general public budget revenue increased by 13.4%, higher than the province's 9.1 percentage points, the growth rate of the province's fifth; tax revenue increased by 11.2%, higher than the province's 8.4 percentage points, the growth rate of the province's fifth; per capita disposable income of residents increased by 8.6%, the growth rate of the province's fifth; the urbanization rate of the permanent population reached 52% around. The growth rate of major economic indicators has generally entered the first square of the province, the best level in the past 6 years. Details: Nanyang Municipal Government Work Report: Accelerate the layout and construction of high-quality business centers, regional business districts and commercial blocks

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