
After the Pingzhang Line made a contribution, Su Yu then sent Wang Biao to play the role of the west to deceive Chen Cheng and show Lunan to decisively fight Luzhong

As an outstanding proletarian revolutionary, statesman, and military strategist of the older generation of our army, Su Yu's ability to command and fight in a large army with pure fire in the protracted revolutionary war is breathtaking, and in addition, in terms of knowing people and doing good job, it is also one of the best in our army. The following article will play back and forth through the wonderful plot fragments of the TV series "General Su Yu" to understand the southern conquest and northern war strategy of Su Yu's "show lunan and decisive victory in Luzhong" In the implementation of the four-step plan, the use of Wang Biao as a person to make Chen Cheng completely deceived is another wonderful point!

After blocking the middle road of the southern front for half a day and still unable to strip away the enemy army, Chen Yi and Su Yu decided to march south to the north, abandon the south to take the north, and after implementing the first step of the southern expedition and the northern war, eliminating Hao Pengju's troops, they took three steps in a row to help Chen Cheng realize his dream of completely eliminating Chen Su in his heart

Since the Nationalist army developed a new round of the "Battle of Lunan" in February 1947, Su Yu took the lead in implementing the blockade of the middle road of the southern line for half a day and still could not strip the enemy army, Su Yu and Chen Yi decided to conquer the north in the south and take the north! In the first step in the implementation of the Southern Expedition and the Northern War--destroying Hao Pengju's troops, su Yu realized in one fell swoop what Su Yu said: "First, eliminate this evil enemy; second, show Chen Cheng that our main force is still looking for fighters on the southern front; and third, attract the attention of the enemy with the ongoing battle and confuse the enemy's sight!" After the effect of killing three birds with one stone, Su Yu began to take the second step of the plan of the southern conquest and the northern war, and he ordered the East China Field Army to pose a decisive battle with the enemy in Linyi, overhaul the fortifications, create a great momentum, and launch a defense in an all-round way, and also stressed that the louder the better, and the more lively the fight, the better...

After the Pingzhang Line made a contribution, Su Yu then sent Wang Biao to play the role of the west to deceive Chen Cheng and show Lunan to decisively fight Luzhong

Linyi front line

"Comrades, Commander Su ordered us to publicize all the trumpets of the main columns of our field army, frighten the enemy's guts, and swear to defend Linyi to the death!" A commander of the Linyi front line shouted at the officers and men of Huaye on the front line.

"Swear to die to defend Linyi!" Suddenly, the soldiers on the position waved their guns and shouted slogans together.


After the Pingzhang Line made a contribution, Su Yu then sent Wang Biao to play the role of the west to deceive Chen Cheng and show Lunan to decisively fight Luzhong

Immediately after that, Su Yu took the third step - abandoning Linyi, causing the enemy the illusion that I had suffered heavy casualties and could not withstand another battle;

The fourth step was to organize local armed forces to advance into Yanzhou, set up pontoon bridges on the canals, and raise ferries along the Yellow River, so as to give the enemy the illusion that our main forces would withdraw west to North China to join our army in North China.

"Haha! The decisive battle against Linyi, and then, the casualties were heavy, it was difficult to support alone, and then, the west to North China, this is Chen Cheng's dream! Equal to you, help Chen Cheng realize this dream! Chen Yi praised Su Yudao.

"To deceive Chiang Kai-shek Chen Cheng, we first need to cater to their psychology, rush to achieve results, enjoy great achievements, and despise opponents!"

"Ah, but a wonderful idea, I said Su Yu, you have studied this Chen Cheng thoroughly, ah, hahaha!"

"Fu Qiping!"


"Draft the order, 200,000 troops plus 600,000 migrant workers, ready to turn around and go north!" Su Yu issued battle orders.

After the Pingzhang Line made a contribution, Su Yu then sent Wang Biao to play the role of the west to deceive Chen Cheng and show Lunan to decisively fight Luzhong


"We are taking every measure to realize the campaign attempt of the head of the field army to 'give up the south to take the north and conquer the north from the south'; this is an operation of a huge scale, which involves all aspects and all the spaces of the battlefield; it is not simply a matter of attacking the east and the west, nor is it simply by creating illusions to confuse the enemy; this deception action has gone deep into the psychological level, and it has just rightly provided the psychological comfort that the enemy urgently needs at present; in fact, this is first and foremost a psychological deception, a psychological contest at the highest level between the two sides of the war. But now I am very worried that the 200,000 troops plus 600,000 migrant workers will turn around and go north, and once the enemy detects it, it will bring disastrous consequences! In the play, a combat staff officer witnesses Su Yu's step-by-step and somewhat breathless process of arranging troops, and at this time the psychological activity is intense, but also a little worried.

"Draft the order!" Su Yu ordered.

"Order the blocking troops on the outskirts of Linyi to organize a counterattack on the whole front this evening, and to retake some of the first- and second-line positions abandoned in the past two days!"

"Commander, do you think that the scale of the Battle in Linyi is not large enough?"

"It is not big enough, especially after several main columns have gone north one after another, the momentum has obviously become smaller, this is not OK, we must play the momentum, now a regiment must play three regiments and five regiments of momentum!"

"Commander, the heavy artillery of the special column has a regiment going north tonight, are you going to let them fire a few cannons before leaving?" As soon as this heavy cannon is fired, our momentum will come! ”

"Good! Bomb it a few more shots, and then go! ”

After the Pingzhang Line made a contribution, Su Yu then sent Wang Biao to play the role of the west to deceive Chen Cheng and show Lunan to decisively fight Luzhong

Sure enough, with the help of heavy artillery, the Kuomintang troops on the Linyi front were completely shaken, "The communist army launched a fierce attack on me!" The communists are launching a fierce attack on me! Sir, please support us quickly, it will be too late! "The front-line officers of the Kuomintang army have complained to their superiors one after another, saying that the communist troops they encountered were all over the mountains and fields, more than ants...

After the Pingzhang Line made a contribution, Su Yu then sent Wang Biao to play the role of the west to deceive Chen Cheng and show Lunan to decisively fight Luzhong

East China Field Army Linyi Mountain Front Command

"The effect of this battle in the evening is good, the effect exceeds my expectations, this big night such a fight, the next step we give up Linyi, it will seem reasonable, in addition, Chen Cheng now most want to see, is that we suffered heavy casualties ... Now I have a task, tonight you have to arrange several large field hospitals and field ambulance stations overnight, and they must look like the real thing, each of which looks like it has received and handled thousands of wounded, is it difficult? Su Yu's eyes looked at Fu Qiping, the chief of the Operations Division.

After the Pingzhang Line made a contribution, Su Yu then sent Wang Biao to play the role of the west to deceive Chen Cheng and show Lunan to decisively fight Luzhong


"If there is a difficulty, it must be completed!"

"Chief!" Wang Biao, who was summoned by Su Yu, saw that Su Yu had finished calling and rushed in to greet Su Yu.

"Wang Biao, you are coming, you are coming!" Su Yu saw that love was coming, and greeted him happily.

"I heard you were on the phone, so I didn't dare to break in!"

"Is there a place you wouldn't dare break into?" Ah, hahaha! ”

"Come, sit down! A few of you are now in charge of six hundred thousand people, and the official is older than me!" ”

"Oh, sir! In fact, this matter is quite easy to manage, you put the people in the county and district to form a team for him, and then send them the task and the road map of the march, the rest is all smooth, in case there is something new, I will send them a letter, which is much easier than fighting..."

After the Pingzhang Line made a contribution, Su Yu then sent Wang Biao to play the role of the west to deceive Chen Cheng and show Lunan to decisively fight Luzhong

"Whatever happens to your Wang Biao, it's all a quick knife and chaos, hahaha!"

"Chief, didn't you just listen to my report today when you asked me to come?"

"You're right, I'm going to send you on a business trip today!"

"Haha, the tolerance sent to me by the chief, this is very interesting!"

"Yes, it's more interesting than the last time you were arrested to the Sixth Division!"

"Is it?"

"The situation is like this, we are ready to abandon Linyi tomorrow, in the eyes of the Kuomintang, we are suffering heavy casualties and unable to hold on, so we abandoned the city and left, but where did we go?" This is the most important issue for them! After we leave, the enemy will certainly mobilize all forces to find out where our main force is going! ”

"I see, sir! You are asking me to lead a group of men and horses to pretend to be your main force and retreat..."

"Yes, just let you give them a blindfold!" Where did the main force of the communist army go? Went to the canal here... I have gathered a few thousand militiamen and some local troops by the canal, and I have prepared some boats, and when you go there, you will organize them, and you will continue to cross the river during the day, and then quietly return at night, and then go back and forth the next day, and so on and forth for three or five days, and I hope that through this method, the enemy will misjudge that my main force is crossing the canal in the west to meet the troops of North China... What do you think? I know you're the best at this kind of thing! ”

"Walking around the canal, this is no problem, but the most crucial thing is how the Kuomintang believes in us, we should think of a way!"

"The way you think, by the way, two days ago Duan Fei told me, saying that now the Sixth Division is up and down, praising you as the embodiment of bravery and wisdom!"

"Chief, don't you dare to be ashamed!" I know the chief is provoking me, well, now I'll go right away and think of a way to go as I go! ”

"Good! There are also a number of radio stations to act with you, from Noji's to the main columns, whose task is the same as yours - to confuse the enemy! ”

"This is a good idea! Combining this with this action, it's seamless! ”

"There are still many flaws, you try your best to make up for it!"

After the Pingzhang Line assisted Duan Fei to play the main force of the suspected soldiers to cover the main force of Huaye to rest and make meritorious contributions, Wang Biao was sent by Su Yu to lead the team to lead the suspects to go west to the west, showing the shape of Lunan decisive battle in Luzhong, Chen Cheng was really deceived, and issued the order that Su Yu longed for

Suspected positions on both sides of the Linyi Canal

"By the way, burn the fire vigorously, burn the front a little, the bigger the fire, the better, the bigger the better... Come on, right, all like him, this side is doing well... I tell you, after boiling the water, cook, cook the rice and then boil the water, anyway, make the fire for me to be prosperous, I tell you, a pile of fire is a food unit, four piles of fire is a battalion, ten piles of fire is a regiment! Do you all understand? Wang Biao commanded the local troops who played the role of suspect soldiers and began to work.

After the Pingzhang Line made a contribution, Su Yu then sent Wang Biao to play the role of the west to deceive Chen Cheng and show Lunan to decisively fight Luzhong

"Got it! Then let's burn a few more fires! ”

"Good, burn more, burn more!"

Suddenly, fireworks on both sides of the canal were everywhere, and smoke and dust billowed out, as if thousands of troops and horses were passing...

Suddenly, in the distance came the roar of planes flying... The air defense whistle quickly sounded the air defense horn, "Comrades lie down! "The sound came and went...

After the Pingzhang Line made a contribution, Su Yu then sent Wang Biao to play the role of the west to deceive Chen Cheng and show Lunan to decisively fight Luzhong

Wang Biaoqing, who was commanding, took a look at it and saw that it was only a reconnaissance plane, so he shouted loudly: "Don't get in the way, don't get in the way, reconnaissance plane!" Scouts! Lift the air defense siren and move on! ”

The air defense post was ordered to sound the anti-aircraft horn, and the local troops continued to play the role of the main force...

"You, go find that county brigade, district squad or whatever, gather them all here with me, go!" Wang Biao ordered the messengers to find someone.

"Report chief!" The captains of the county brigades and district squads who arrived according to the order saluted Wang Biao.

"Excuse me! No more! Come, I ask you, do all these people who come here shoot? ”

"Guns will be fired, just maybe head, they just came a few days ago."

"Maybe it doesn't matter if the head is coming, if this enemy plane is coming in a while, you guys will put it into the sky together, and everyone will shoot me three shots, three shots!"

"Hit the plane?"

"Hmm! Whether or not to fight is secondary, mainly to scare and frighten them... Yo yo yo yo fast! fast! Shoot three shots at enemy planes in a row! beat! Then fight! As Wang Biao was speaking, the enemy reconnaissance plane flew in again, saying that it was too late and fast, and the militiamen hurriedly shot at the plane as if they were racing.

After the Pingzhang Line made a contribution, Su Yu then sent Wang Biao to play the role of the west to deceive Chen Cheng and show Lunan to decisively fight Luzhong

Xuzhou Sui Bureau Combat Headquarters

"The Air Force reported that a large number of communist troops crossing the river had been found on the side of the canal, right here..." The chief of staff of operations reported to Chen Cheng with a finger map.

"How many people?"

"Because the anti-aircraft fire was too fierce to lower the altitude observation, the river crossing troops along the canal were continuous, dozens of miles of cooking smoke, and the pilot also reported that the ground fire was very fierce in the air, and almost did not shoot down the plane, including anti-aircraft machine guns!"

After the Pingzhang Line made a contribution, Su Yu then sent Wang Biao to play the role of the west to deceive Chen Cheng and show Lunan to decisively fight Luzhong

"Have an anti-aircraft machine gun?" The East China Communist Army had a total of three or five anti-aircraft machine guns, which had always been in the hands of their guards! Another staff officer next to Chen Cheng interjected.

"What do you think?"

"Obviously, this is the main force of the communist army that has retreated from Linyi!"

"What are they doing crossing the canal in the west?" Chen Cheng's eyes looked at everyone.

"Isn't it obvious that northern Jiangsu has been lost, Linyi has also been lost, and the communist army has been unable to gain a foothold in east China, so the communist army in north China and north China are getting closer!" In addition, the dozen or so radio stations of the communist army that we were tracking have been moving in the direction of the canal for the past few days, and in my opinion, they have reached the other side of the canal! The chief of the operational staff expressed his high opinion to Chen Cheng.

"Order, adjust the deployment, the southern front group quickly turned around and attacked in the direction of the canal, the western front group quickly blocked the road of the communist army to the west, and the northern front group continued to go south, meeting the southern line group, and preparing to encircle and annihilate the communist army on both sides of the canal!" Chen Cheng, who had been deceived by Wang Biao's suspected soldiers, finally firmly issued an order to all the Kuomintang troops on the three fronts, north, south, and west, which Su Yu longed to get.

After the Pingzhang Line made a contribution, Su Yu then sent Wang Biao to play the role of the west to deceive Chen Cheng and show Lunan to decisively fight Luzhong

East China Field Army Luzhong Front Command

"Hahaha, Chen Cheng was deceived!" In the past, I was worried about the problems on the southern front, but Chen Cheng solved them all for us, and this time, General Director Chen's great southern front group and his troops have begun to move westward! Chen Yi, who received the information, said excitedly to Su Yu while planning his horse.

After the Pingzhang Line made a contribution, Su Yu then sent Wang Biao to play the role of the west to deceive Chen Cheng and show Lunan to decisively fight Luzhong

"In this way, the threat posed to us by the Southern Front Group can be lifted for the time being, and we can concentrate all our efforts on dealing with the Li Xianzhou Group on the Northern Front, and our three-way army can all enter the attack position before dawn tomorrow!" Su Yu was determined to continue to follow the plan and completely annihilate the Li Xianzhou Group on the northern front.

After the Pingzhang Line made a contribution, Su Yu then sent Wang Biao to play the role of the west to deceive Chen Cheng and show Lunan to decisively fight Luzhong


Later, although the cunning Wang Yaowu repeatedly resisted, the situation on the Laiwu battlefield on the northern front was once unfavorable to the complete annihilation of the enemy army by our army.

After the Pingzhang Line made a contribution, Su Yu then sent Wang Biao to play the role of the west to deceive Chen Cheng and show Lunan to decisively fight Luzhong

However, Wang Yaowu was helpless to still be defeated by Chen Cheng, the sword of Shang Fang given by Chiang Kai-shek, and finally listened to Wang Yaowu's orders and the Li Xianzhou clique, which was shrunk in Caiwu, had to go south again under Chen Cheng's strong orders, and was in a completely passive state, and from then on it went to the road of no return, so angry that Wang Yaowu scolded Chen Cheng as a "stupid pig." And after our army made up its mind to destroy the enemy on the northern front, it quickly reorganized the whole army, traveled at night, hid and rushed, and confused the enemy, and when our large army suddenly appeared on the northern battlefield, the enemy rushed to battle, and 56,000 people were completely annihilated by us, which lasted 63 hours!

After the Pingzhang Line made a contribution, Su Yu then sent Wang Biao to play the role of the west to deceive Chen Cheng and show Lunan to decisively fight Luzhong

After hearing the news, Wang Yaowu felt the pain of losing his father in his heart, and angrily scolded: "I just put 50,000 pigs for the communist army to arrest, and they can't catch them in 3 days!" ”

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