
On the road: The Hao brothers enjoy the Dongfeng Tianlong to start a happy life

On the highway from Gaotang to Zhengzhou, you can see the Dongfeng Tianlong heavy truck of "Hao's Logistics" almost every day. When the transport network reporter interviewed the "Hao brothers" Niu Fanming and Hao Wen overtime, they were working tirelessly to drive dongfeng Tianlong heavy trucks to and from the road of transporting goods to ensure the safe and punctual delivery of materials from many food companies in Zhengzhou.

Today, the two transporters introduced to you are the runners who won the first and third places in the Dongfeng Tianlong China Truck Driver Competition (Season 6) in Linyi Station, Shandong Province. In the simplest words, they told the daily work and feelings of transporters.

On the road: The Hao brothers enjoy the Dongfeng Tianlong to start a happy life

Because I like it, I insist on it

When the reporter of the transport network interviewed the "Hao brothers" Niu Fanming and Hao Wen overtime, they had just been on the run for a day and rushed home at night. Niu Fanming told reporters about the day's work schedule: rest in the morning, start loading after lunch, because Henan Food Factory has more zero orders, loading is more time-consuming, often have to wait until 12 o'clock in the evening to complete the loading, and then drive the night car delivery, halfway will stop in the service area to rest.

In the face of day-to-day work, Hao Wenchao frankly said: "If there is no firm belief, it is difficult to persist in this line." It is deceptive to say that you are not tired, and only those who do this line of work know the hardships involved. Every time I'm tired, I always encourage myself to stick with it a little longer. ”

What is the motivation to persevere? In addition to living better, full of enthusiasm for the transportation industry, condensing the emotions of many years, is also the consensus that they insist on engaging in this line. Niu Fanming revealed that when he first started running transportation, on the one hand, because he could earn money, although it was hard, he earned more than many other jobs; on the other hand, it was difficult to take a driver's license, and it was a pity not to have this skill. Now it's because I like it, especially when I meet good companies and good customers, and I hope to do a good job and repay them.

In Hao Wenchao's heart, the transporters are the family members, and they struggle with their brothers and feel a sense of accomplishment. He also met many good customers in transportation, and became friends after getting along for a long time. "We do our job well, talk about integrity, deliver on time, are responsible for the company and customers, they also understand our difficulties, give us respect and tolerance, let me have the motivation to stick to it."

"With the company of the East Wind, tired but happy"

Transportation is actually a very boring job, and the most accompanying transporters is the vehicle. A good car brings transporters not only a sense of security, but also intimate care on the transport road. Niu Fanming and Hao Wenchao have been engaged in transportation for more than ten years, and the vehicles they drive have changed several times, but they both believe that the experience brought to them by Dongfeng is the best, and with the company of Dongfeng, they are tired but happy.

Hao Wenchao introduced that the Dongfeng Tianlong VL he is currently driving is safe, energy-saving, comfortable and reliable, and it is very smooth to drive. "The car has not had a small fault, nor has it been repaired, basically 20,000 kilometers of maintenance once." Compared with other cars, Dongfeng Tianlong is more fuel-efficient. For his own car, Hao Wen was very excited.

On the road: The Hao brothers enjoy the Dongfeng Tianlong to start a happy life

Niu Fanming is currently driving the 6.8-meter Dongfeng Tianjin, with sufficient power and large space, which is very suitable for drivers who often drive night trains and is conducive to rest.

On the road: The Hao brothers enjoy the Dongfeng Tianlong to start a happy life

Share driving tips with card friends

As young "old drivers" in the industry, Niu Fanming and Hao Wenchao have never had an accident in their driving careers for many years, and even small scratches rarely appear. They also passed on some of their driving experience to their peers: attention to detail, not rushing, and good driving habits. Niu Fanming reminded card friends that before leaving the car, we must conduct a comprehensive inspection of the car, as little as 6, 7 hours, up to 10 hours away, a small part of the problem, can occur unexpected accidents.

Specifically, pay attention to checking the oil and water tank, see the tire wear, antifreeze is not enough, and the oil pressure is not high. The preparation before leaving the car should be careful and meticulous, and not miss any detail. More importantly, don't drive tired, rest when you're tired, and don't neglect safety in order to grab time. Especially on rainy, foggy and snowy days, you must drive slowly and cautiously. For the fuel saving problems that card friends are concerned about, Niu Fanming believes that driving on high speeds, like the 180 horsepower Dongfeng Tianjin, driving 70 miles is the most economical, and the 9.6-meter Dongfeng Tianlong driving more than 80 miles is the most fuel-efficient.

Hao Wenchao believes that driving requires talent, but the accumulation of experience can avoid many losses. Like S road, collision, these, usually can practice more, often take some small roads. It is also necessary to learn to prejudge and avoid scratching. Dongfeng Tianlong China Truck Driver Competition (Season 6) Finals, the two Hao brothers will also compete in the same field, full of confidence they hope to take the biggest prize home, do their own, everything is possible.

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