
Colleges and universities have once again discovered ancient tombs, why are there so many ancient tombs under the ground of Chinese universities?

Almost every university has its own mysterious legends, and the content of these legends is basically the same.

For example, as long as the sports meeting is held, it is bound to rain mysterious weather system.

For example, it was later made up into various scare stories, almost all based on the sentence, "I heard that our school was built on a grave." ”

The word "grave pile" alone can be adapted into a series of cool summer stories, becoming one of the mysterious legends passed down by successive generations of students.

But in fact, many schools are built on cemeteries, which has become a tacit secret among colleges and universities.

Yesterday, a mysterious ancient tomb appeared at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou.

Colleges and universities have once again discovered ancient tombs, why are there so many ancient tombs under the ground of Chinese universities?

According to reports, an ancient tomb was suspected of being excavated at a construction site from Huaishitang to Yifu Building on the south campus of Sun Yat-sen University. At present, the relevant staff of the Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, teachers and students of archaeology majors of Sun Yat-sen University are inspecting and recording on the spot.


In fact, it is not the first time that ancient tombs have been found at CUHK. The various campuses of Sun Yat-sen University have dug out many small treasures to varying degrees.

As early as 1981, all the students of the 1977 and 1979 classes of the Department of Archaeology of CUHK at that time excavated and cleaned up a Tomb of the Eastern Han Dynasty found in the school under the leadership of their teachers.

Not only that, CUHK has also excavated tombs from the Western Han, Eastern Han, Southern Dynasties, Ming and Qing Dynasties, Ash Ditches from the Nanyue Kingdom period, Southern Dynasty tombs, Song Dynasty wells, and Ming Dynasty kiln sites...

In 2014, the South Campus of CUHK was announced as the "First Batch of Underground Cultural Relics Burial Areas in Guangzhou" as part of the "Kangle Village - Xingang West Road Underground Cultural Relics Burial Area".

Colleges and universities have once again discovered ancient tombs, why are there so many ancient tombs under the ground of Chinese universities?

And Guangzhou's "feng shui treasure land" is not unique to CUHK.

Because after the death of the ancients, they often found nearby hills to bury in place, so Baogang, Xiaogang, Chigang, meihua village, gold digging pit and other places that were once small hills in Guangzhou's "archaeological map" are all treasure hiding places on The "archaeological map" of Guangzhou.

In Guangzhou, in addition to CUHK, Guangzhou University, Jinan University, and South China Normal University have also excavated tombs.


Not only the universities in Guangzhou, but also some universities across the country have dug up ancient tombs.

Take the Northwest University of Political Science and Law, for example, in 2002, Zhang Tang's tomb was excavated.

Zhang Tang was a famous cool official during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, who served as a Chang'an official, Nei Shi Tuan, Mao Ling Wei and Shi Yushi, and also presided over the compilation of legal works such as the Yue Gong Law and the Chao Law.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to call him the Master of the Law. In his tomb, cultural relics such as nebula-patterned bronze mirrors and Five Baht coins of Emperor Wudi were found in his tombs.

The most rare thing is that there are 2 exquisite double-sided belt seals in the excavations, one is "Zhang Tangchen Soup" and one is "Zhang Junxin Seal", and the diameter of the printing surface is 1.8 centimeters, which is what the ancients called "the seal of square inches". It was also these two seals that determined that the owner of the tomb was Zhang Tang.

Colleges and universities have once again discovered ancient tombs, why are there so many ancient tombs under the ground of Chinese universities?

In addition, the ruins of the Temple of Heaven, where the Tang Dynasty performed the celestial sacrifice ceremony, were also found at Shaanxi Normal University, which is the only circular hill site preserved in the country that predates the Qing Dynasty.

In 2001, Xi'an Institute of Posts and Telecommunications acquired 1,000 acres of land in Maopo, Chang'an District, to build a new campus. During the construction process, archaeologists found more than 600 ancient tombs in the Warring States, Qin, Han and Tang Dynasties in this area, of which more than 80% were Qin tombs.


Kaifeng and Luoyang in Henan are famous for their long history. Once upon a time, tomb robbers dug up a quasi-artifact, which was called "Luoyang Shovel" by the Jianghu people.

It has participated in the excavation of ancient city sites such as the famous Anyang Yin Ruins and the Ruins of Luoyang Yanshi Shangcheng. Learning to use the Luoyang shovel to identify soil quality is the basic skill of every archaeologist, and it should also become an essential quality for Henan university students.

Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan Province, is also not small. As one of the eight ancient capitals of China, it is also one of the six major site areas of the country, which has been the capital many times in history, and it is also the hometown of the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan, the ancestor of Chinese humanities.

Colleges and universities have once again discovered ancient tombs, why are there so many ancient tombs under the ground of Chinese universities?

In 2014, Sias College of Zhengzhou University excavated a large burial area on campus, which covers an area of about 10,000 square meters.

It is understood that since the establishment of the school in 1998, with the continuous transformation and expansion of the campus, by 2009, more than 1,000 tombs of various types have been excavated. Experts say this may be just the tip of the iceberg compared to archaeological excavations in Sias as a whole, and it's not surprising that more monuments have been excavated.

China has a history of 5,000 years, so many celebrities and heroes, emperors and generals throughout the ages, accidentally hundreds of thousands of years later, today, has become an "auditor" of colleges and universities.

The discovery of these tombs undoubtedly provides archaeology with a very rich research material, and also allows us to better understand what kind of life people lived in the same place as us in those distant times.

Did your school join the Tomb Sect?


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